My sister gave me a gift certificate to
Origins last year. I love lipstick. It's my weakness. But when I went into the store I found something that demanded I buy it.
It was a mirror that literally reads 'I LOVE ME' on the bottom. How could I resist?
I'm a blogger, not a Friendster. I don't care if you're my friend. I get more satisfaction out of being able to design my own personal website full of thoughts and links about me.
Does that make me self-absorbed? I guess so. But who isn't? And if you're not - try it. Ultimately, aren't you your only friend? Who's going to be there when you die? You will. So why not spoil yourself and get caught up in yourself a little bit while you're preparing to die?
I don't mean to sound so morbid. I just think that death should be thought of in the same light that birth is. Who's not to say that our birth in this world isn't the direct result of death in another dimention?
:: posted by chumpsrock, 10:06 AM
I'm a blogger, not a Friendster. I don't care if you're my friend.