Does That Make Me 'Politcal'?

This pasty blue-eyed redhead
with freckles is the farthest
thing from being racist.
However, I'm extremely judgmental about people (& blogs) I find boring.
Does that make me a 'bloggist' a 'borist' or a 'politicalist'?
I not only 'blog' (insert finger down throat), I think too. I think about how boring your blog is, with a few exceptions of course, and then I think about how boring my blog must be. Why would you give a sh*t what I decide to type on any given evening? My addiction is selfless. I say this because I blog to read your rants, I like to learn what you're inspired to type about.
I look up to you. You inspire me to type about the limbo that sandwiches the thought. But I read you and you're beautiful. You care enough about your thoughts to type them for the world to see. Without you, where would I be?
photo by: LL
:: posted by chumpsrock, 11:32 PM
...I think about how boring my blog must be.
Just blog, Rocker.
...the limbo that sandwiches the thought.
Please say more about this.
Without you, where would I be?
Where were you before you became aware of me? Where will you be after I'm gone?
I have been thinking a lot about these things. Blogging is like all of my relationships. Slightly dysfunctional.
I'm glad you put your thoughts out there. It fills me with joy.
Gerry, I guess the limbo is when I'm not reading and learning. I'm not going to start blogging about politics, but I really enjoy reading blogs that share my political views.
Miss M., Maybe that's exactly how I should approach it - accepting the fact that it's going to piss me off from time to time makes me feel a little less angst.
Ok, thanks for clearing the limbo thing up, Rocker.