"...and if you can't be with the one you love,
love the one you're with..." -CSNY
I've been wondering if this is the approach I should take toward my job. Maybe I'd be happier? Or maybe that's how to flip the switch and plaster a stupid insincere smile on my face for the rest of my 'middle-aged' days. I could strive to be unnoticeably successful, feeling comfort in the fact that I like what I'm doing. There's only one problem. I don't like what I'm doing.
Crap - this is what happens every time. But instead of searching for a new job every night like I should probably be doing, I'm learning about how to design my own site. I'm very slowly learning how to put it together. But it's fun. I finally feel like a justified computer junkie.
Here are two of my favorites:
GRSites &
HTML GoodiesIf you're into this kind of thing, Enjoy.
I also discovered
Opinionistas &
Mimi. No comment. I just discovered they exist.
photo by: my sister
:: posted by chumpsrock, 10:03 PM
It's nice to see you posting again. It's my theory that you probably know in your heart if your job is right for you or not.