Does History really repeat itself?
Are we really destined to become our parents?
At this stage in the game, my parents were married & they owned a house in Maine that they paid $20,000 for. (Or was that their combined annual income?) I'm pretty sure it was both. Give or take few pennies, that's not a bad ratio.
I didn't get married at the same age as my parents.
But I did get married in the same month.
I don't have children now, but at this point in her life, my mother had her first born - me. The same year I was born, my parents bought their very own business - which they still own and operate today.
Talk about feeling like a failure... I'm still addicted to car payments and kids just scare the hell out of me. Don't get me wrong, I love kids - but that's an 18-year commitment I'm just not ready to start right now. I have my own projects I've only just begun. Then you have another kid... it's like signing another 18-year contract.
But biologically, I'm ticking... it's just too much pressure. I don't want to have kids right now, but I don't want to be 70-year old mother with a 10-year old either. (I know it's not exactly possible - but with medical advancements, you never know.)
Does this mean I don't want to have children?
If there's anything more amazing than actually finding the love of your life in a world full of shmucks (ladies, I know you understand) it would be having children with this person - they would be the most incredible kids - not to mention good looking.
And at the rate weeks and months are going by these days, I'm afraid I'm going to end up fired from the position of motherhood before I even get a chance to apply.