The last time I was in really good shape, I was in high school. That's pretty pathetic.
I've never been overweight, but after I met my huzby our favorite pastime consisted of driving around, which didn't
sit too well with my body - especially in addition to occupying a chair for 40 hours a week at work.
It's time to put an end to this madness. I want to feel really good about myself. I want to be addicted to exercise, blood flow, fresh air & visual groping.
Not only will I feel better, I'm curious where this new look will take me. I'm interested in making more money, and I'd like to test the completely superficial potential of aesthetics. Ultimately, it would be playing the same stupid game, but I'd have my health & I'm positive I could at least double my income.
Who said anything about being on a diet?
I'm enhancing my resume.
:: posted by chumpsrock, 12:04 PM